


19.how to discuss options

bracket  持ち送り、腕木、腕金、張り出し棚受け、ブラケット、(腕木で支えられた)張り出し棚、角括弧、丸括弧、かぎ括弧、(同類として区分される)グループ
budget airline  格安航空会社◆【同】low-cost carrier ; no-frills airline
advert  〈英話〉広告◆【同】advertisement
turnup  《主に英国で用いられる》 (ズボンのすその)折り返し (《主に米国で用いられる》 cuff).
elastic  弾力のある、伸縮自在の、しなやかな、不幸があってもすぐ立ち直る、容易に屈しない、屈託のない、融通性のある




What has happened in the news this week?
 The weather in Japan has been very hot these days. and I am feeling a little   rundown from the summer heat.
 I haven't gone fishing in this summer yet.
 In addition the price of vegetables has been going up,
 because there hasn't been  any rain.

 The 100th national high school baseball championship has just begun
 at Koshien Stadium.
 I haven't gone to this tournament yet this year,
 because the outfield seats are no longer free.
 also We can't watch with the tigers game at Koshien until August 28,
 because the tournament doesn't finish until the 28th.

 The final event in the Pokemon GO Summer Tour 2018 is
 the Yokosuka Pokemon GO Safari Zone,
 which is set to take place from August 29 to September 2 in Yokosuka, Japan.
 I was accepted to the yokosuka event on Friday, August 31.
 I've already reserved a hotel room in yokosuka,
 but I haven't reserved shinkansen tickets yet.
 I'm sorry, but I will be absent from my English Lesson on that day.




About my project
 I am working on a facility management system.
 we are going to develop it and install it in four domestic factories in this year.
 we've already developed it and installed it in the miyazaki and nagoya factories,
 but we haven't installed it in the izumi and shirakawa factories yet.
 we are going to install it in two foreign factories in this september and november,
 starting with the two Chinese factories,
 after that we are going to install it in the thailand, indonesia, and turkey factories.
 personally I want to go business trip to usa or brazil,
 because I enjoy English speaking culture, and I've never been to Brazil.

 varied sentence structure